home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #! /bin/sh
- . /lib/partman/lib/base.sh
- . /lib/partman/lib/resize.sh
- . /lib/partman/lib/recipes.sh
- # busybox wants mount -o move; util-linux wants mount --move. Sigh.
- if [ -d /lib/debian-installer ]; then
- mount_move='-o move'
- else
- mount_move='--move'
- fi
- modprobe loop >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- # Set up working directory.
- if type mktemp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- recipe_dir="$(mktemp -d /tmp/partman-auto-loop.XXXXXX)"
- trap "rm -rf $recipe_dir" EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM
- else
- recipe_dir=/tmp
- fi
- # Fetch parameters.
- disk="$1"
- cd $disk
- if ! db_get partman-auto-loop/partition || [ -z "$RET" ]; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: No partition number specified in partman-auto-loop/partition"
- exit 1
- fi
- partition="$RET"
- if ! db_get partman-auto-loop/recipe || [ -z "$RET" ]; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: No recipe specified in partman-auto-loop/recipe"
- exit 1
- fi
- recipe="$RET"
- echo "$recipe" >"$recipe_dir/loop_recipe"
- # Find the requested partition.
- db_progress START 0 5 partman-auto/text/automatically_partition
- db_progress INFO partman-auto/progress/info
- partition_id=
- partition_fs=
- open_dialog PARTITIONS
- while { read_line num id size type fs path name; [ "$id" ]; }; do
- if [ "$num" = "$partition" ]; then
- partition_id="$id"
- partition_fs="$fs"
- # go ahead and read all remaining input
- fi
- done
- close_dialog
- if [ -z "$partition_id" ]; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: Partition number $partition not found in $disk"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Set up the requested partition in partman.
- existing=no
- for j in $(
- for i in /lib/partman/valid_filesystems/*; do
- [ -x $i ] || continue
- $i $disk $partition_id existing
- done
- ); do
- if [ "$j" = "$partition_fs" ]; then
- existing=yes
- fi
- done
- if [ "$existing" = no ]; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: No filesystem on $disk/$partition_id"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo keep >$partition_id/method
- rm -f $partition_id/format
- >$partition_id/use_filesystem
- echo $partition_fs >$partition_id/filesystem
- mkdir -p $partition_id/options
- echo / >$partition_id/mountpoint
- update_partition $disk $partition_id
- # Is there enough space to perform the recipe?
- dev="$disk"
- oldid="$partition_id"
- recipe_new=
- firstword=
- imagepaths=
- for word in $(cat "$recipe_dir/loop_recipe"); do
- case $word in
- .)
- recipe_new="${recipe_new:+$recipe_new }\$imagepath{ $firstword } $word"
- firstword=
- ;;
- *)
- if [ "$firstword" ]; then
- recipe_new="${recipe_new:+$recipe_new }$word"
- else
- firstword="$word"
- imagepaths="${imagepaths:+$imagepaths }$word"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- echo "$recipe_new" >"$recipe_dir/loop_recipe_new"
- decode_recipe "$recipe_dir/loop_recipe_new" loop
- db_progress STEP 1
- fstab="$(
- for i in /lib/partman/fstab.d/*; do
- [ -x "$i" ] || continue
- $i
- done |
- while read fs mp type options dump pass; do
- case $mp in
- (/)
- echo $fs $mp $type $options $dump $pass
- ;;
- esac
- done
- )"
- if [ -z "$fstab" ]; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: No fstab output for $disk/$partition_id"
- exit 1
- fi
- mkdir -p /target
- mountpoint="$(grep "^${fstab%% *} [^ ]* [^ ]* [^ ]*rw" /proc/mounts | cut -d ' ' -f2 | head -n1)" || mountpoint=
- if [ "$mountpoint" = /target ]; then
- # nothing to do
- :
- elif [ "$mountpoint" ]; then
- if ! mount $mount_move "$mountpoint" /target; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: Failed to move $mountpoint to /target"
- exit 1
- fi
- unmount_cmd='umount /target'
- else
- for m in /lib/partman/mount.d/*; do
- [ -x "$m" ] || continue
- unmount_cmd="$($m "$fstab")"
- if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ -d /var/run ]; then
- pidof mount.ntfs >> /var/run/sendsigs.omit
- pidof mount.ntfs-3g >> /var/run/sendsigs.omit
- fi
- # TODO: handle errors if no mount succeeded
- mkdir -p /host
- mount $mount_move /target /host # TODO error handling
- # Don't try to mount this again later.
- rm -f $partition_id/mountpoint
- # Ensure there is enough free space.
- check_free_space=false
- requires_disk_space(){
- [ "$1" != 0 ] || return
- path="$(echo "$*" | sed 's/.*\$imagepath{ *\([^ }]*\) *}.*/\1/')"
- [ "$path" != "$*" ] || return
- case $path in
- /*) ;;
- *) path="/$path" ;;
- esac
- [ -f "/host$path" ] && return
- check_free_space=true
- }
- foreach_partition 'requires_disk_space $*'
- # Skip resize_range check if images are already created.
- if [ $check_free_space = true ]; then
- case $partition_fs in
- linux-swap|fat16|fat32|hfs|hfs+|hfsx)
- get_resize_range
- ;;
- ext2|ext3|ext4)
- if ! search-path tune2fs; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: tune2fs not found"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ! search-path resize2fs; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: resize2fs not found"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ! get_ext2_resize_range; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: Failed to get ext2 resize range for $disk/$partition_id"
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- ntfs)
- if ! search-path ntfsresize; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: ntfsresize not found"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ! get_ntfs_resize_range; then
- db_input critical partman-auto-loop/unclean_ntfs || true
- db_go || true
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: Failed to get NTFS resize range for $disk/$partition_id"
- reboot
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Cannot calculate free space on filesystems of type $partition_fs"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- free_size="$(expr \( "$cursize" - "$minsize" \) \* 9 / 10)"
- # convert to megabytes
- free_size="$(expr 0000000"$free_size" : '0*\(..*\)......$')"
- if [ $(min_size) -gt $free_size ]; then
- logger -t partman-auto-loop "Error: partman-auto-loop/recipe too large ($(min_size) > $free_size)"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # Ensure that no old loop images are present and mountable.
- found_images=
- mkdir -p /tmpmountpoint
- for path in $imagepaths; do
- case $path in
- /*) ;;
- *) path="/$path" ;;
- esac
- if [ -e "/host$path" ]; then
- if mount -t auto -o loop,ro /host$path /tmpmountpoint 2>/dev/null; then
- found_images="${found_images:+$found_images }$path"
- umount /tmpmountpoint || true
- rmdir /tmpmountpoint || true
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ "$found_images" ]; then
- db_progress STOP
- db_subst partman-auto-loop/unclean_host PARTITION "$partition"
- db_subst partman-auto-loop/unclean_host DISK "$disk"
- db_subst partman-auto-loop/unclean_host IMAGES "$found_images"
- db_input critical partman-auto-loop/unclean_host || true
- db_capb
- db_go || true
- db_capb backup
- umount /host || true
- exit 1
- fi
- db_progress STEP 1
- expand_scheme
- db_progress STEP 1
- clean_method
- db_progress STEP 1
- setup_loop () {
- [ "$1" != 0 ] || return
- path="$(echo "$*" | sed 's/.*\$imagepath{ *\([^ }]*\) *}.*/\1/')"
- [ "$path" != "$*" ] || return
- case $path in
- /*) ;;
- *) path="/$path" ;;
- esac
- if [ ! -f "/host$path" ]; then
- mkdir -p "/host${path%/*}"
- if [ "$4" = "linux-swap" ]; then
- # swap requires a file with no holes
- dd if=/dev/zero of="/host$path" bs="1000000" count="$1"
- else
- dd if=/dev/zero of="/host$path" bs="1000000" seek="$1" count=0
- fi
- fi
- if ! losetup -f "/host$path"; then
- shift
- continue
- fi
- if [ "$4" = linux-swap ]; then
- loops="/host$path"
- else
- loops="$(echo /dev/loop* /dev/loop/*)"
- fi
- for loop in $loops; do
- [ -e "$loop" ] || continue
- case $loop in
- /dev/loop*)
- loopfile="$(losetup "$loop")" || continue
- # The following works with both busybox's
- # losetup and util-linux's losetup. Yes,
- # this is ugly.
- loopfile="$(echo "$loopfile" | sed 's,.*\(/host/[^)]*\).*,\1,')"
- ;;
- *)
- loopfile="$loop"
- ;;
- esac
- [ "$loopfile" = "/host$path" ] || continue
- dirname="$(echo "$loop" | sed 's:/:=:g')"
- dev="$DEVICES/$dirname"
- rm -rf "$dev"
- mkdir "$dev" || autopartitioning_failed
- printf "%s" "$loop" >"$dev/device"
- printf "%s" "$1" >"$dev/size"
- echo "Loopback on $loopfile" >"$dev/model"
- echo "$loopfile" >"$dev/loop"
- cd "$dev"
- open_dialog OPEN "$(cat "$dev/device")"
- read_line response
- close_dialog
- if [ "$response" = failed ]; then
- cd /
- rm -rf "$dev"
- autopartitioning_failed
- fi
- open_dialog NEW_LABEL loop
- close_dialog
- # find the free space
- open_dialog PARTITIONS
- free_space=
- while { read_line num id size type fs path name; [ "$id" ]; }; do
- if [ "$fs" = free ]; then
- free_space=$id
- free_size=$size
- fi
- done
- close_dialog
- # create partition in the free space
- [ "$free_space" ] || autopartitioning_failed
- open_dialog NEW_PARTITION primary $4 $free_space full ${1}000001
- read_line num id size type fs path name
- close_dialog
- shift; shift; shift; shift
- setup_partition $id $*
- break
- done
- }
- foreach_partition 'setup_loop $*'
- db_progress STEP 1
- update_all
- apt-install lupin-support
- db_progress STOP
- exit 0